Plants That Keep the Bugs Away From Your Vegetable Garden

Plants That Keep the Bugs Away From Your Vegetable Garden

Plants That Keep the Bugs Away From Your Vegetable Garden

Picture this: you’ve put in countless hours of hard work to cultivate your vegetable garden, only to find it under siege from pesky insects. Dealing with garden pests in Salt Lake City can be frustrating and challenging, but fear not! Mother Nature has a solution for us. By strategically incorporating certain flowers into your vegetable garden, you can create a natural barrier that deters pest insects while adding beauty and diversity to your space. In this blog, we’ll explore nine flowers that act as natural insect repellents and learn how to use mulch to enhance their effectiveness.


Asters are not only charming additions to your garden, but they also serve as natural repellents against aphids. These daisy-like flowers release a subtle scent that keeps aphids at bay, protecting your precious vegetables from these notorious sap-sucking pests. Additionally, asters attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, which are excellent aphid predators, creating a natural balance in your garden ecosystem.


With their bright and cheerful blooms, calendulas not only uplift the aesthetics of your garden but also help protect your vegetables from nematodes. These parasitic worms can wreak havoc on the roots of your plants, but planting calendulas nearby can significantly reduce their population and protect your vegetable’s root system.


Chrysanthemums are known for their vibrant colors and stunning floral displays. However, their real superpower lies in the compound called pyrethrin, found in their leaves. Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide that effectively repels a wide range of common garden pests, including aphids, leafhoppers, and whiteflies. Keep in mind that chrysanthemums are toxic to some beneficial insects as well, so use them strategically.


The delightful aroma of geraniums not only pleases our senses but also works as a powerful insect deterrent. Planting geraniums in and around your vegetable garden can help keep pests like cabbage worms, leafhoppers, and red spider mites away from your precious crops.


Lavender’s fragrance is beloved by many, but it’s not just for humans! This aromatic herb is a natural insect repellent, deterring pests like moths, fleas, and mosquitoes. By planting lavender in your vegetable garden, you not only protect your veggies but also create a calming and serene atmosphere to enjoy while tending to your plants.


Marigolds are a classic companion plant for vegetable gardens and for good reason. Their strong scent repels a wide range of pests, including aphids, beetles, and nematodes. Additionally, marigolds attract beneficial insects like hoverflies, which prey on aphids and other harmful bugs.


Nasturtiums are not only beautiful and edible but also excellent at attracting aphids away from your vegetables. By acting as a trap crop, nasturtiums divert aphids from your precious veggies, leaving them unharmed.


If you’re looking to keep asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, and a variety of caterpillars at bay, consider adding petunias to your garden. These vibrant and low-maintenance flowers work wonders as natural pest repellents.

Using Mulch to Deter Insects

In addition to planting insect-repelling flowers, consider using mulch to further deter unwanted insects. Organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, not only helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds but also creates a barrier that pests find difficult to traverse. Mulch can also encourage the presence of beneficial insects that prey on garden pests.


Creating a pest-resistant vegetable garden doesn’t have to involve harmful chemicals or costly solutions. By harnessing the power of nature and incorporating pest-repelling flowers into your garden, with the help of expert advice from Millburn Landscaping & Design, you can protect your vegetables in an eco-friendly and visually appealing way. Asters, calendula, chrysanthemums, geraniums, lavender, marigolds, nasturtiums, and petunias all offer natural defenses against a wide range of insects. Additionally, using mulch as a protective layer further enhances the effectiveness of these flowers in deterring pests. So, roll up your sleeves, embrace the beauty of these natural protectors, and with the professional assistance of Millburn Landscaping & Design, enjoy a thriving, pest-free vegetable garden all season long. Happy gardening!

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