Eliminate Liability: Avoid These Sidewalk Snow Removal Mistakes in Salt Lake City, Utah

Eliminate Liability: Avoid These Sidewalk Snow Removal Mistakes in Salt Lake City, Utah


Salt Lake City, Utah, with its stunning winter landscapes and heavy snowfall, can be a challenging environment for both residents and business owners. While snow-covered streets and sidewalks add to the city’s charm, they also bring a significant responsibility – the proper removal of snow and ice. Neglecting to clear sidewalks can result in serious consequences, including accidents, injuries, and legal liability. To help you navigate the winter season safely and responsibly, we’ll explore the common sidewalk snow removal mistakes and how to avoid them.

The Importance of Sidewalk Snow Removal

Clearing sidewalks after a snowfall is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a legal and moral obligation. Salt Lake City has specific regulations and ordinances that require property owners to clear their sidewalks within a designated timeframe after a snowstorm. The purpose is to ensure pedestrian safety and accessibility for all members of the community, including those with mobility challenges.

Mistake 1: Neglecting Timely Removal

One of the most common mistakes is failing to clear snow promptly. In Salt Lake City, property owners are typically required to remove snow from their sidewalks within 24 hours after the snow stops falling. Delayed removal can result in hazardous conditions, as fresh snow can quickly turn into compacted ice, making it much more challenging to clear and posing a significant safety risk.

Solution: Create a snow removal plan that includes a timeline for clearing sidewalks immediately after a snowfall. Consider setting reminders or alarms to ensure timely action.

Mistake 2: Insufficient Shoveling

Inadequate snow removal efforts can be just as problematic as no removal at all. Simply clearing a narrow path down the center of the sidewalk, leaving thick snowbanks on either side, can be hazardous for pedestrians. Snow and ice should be removed completely to ensure a safe and accessible pathway.

Solution: Use proper shoveling techniques to clear the entire width of the sidewalk, creating a safe walking space. This not only promotes safety but also demonstrates your commitment to community well-being.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Ice Accumulation

Removing snow is crucial, but it’s equally important to address ice accumulation. When sidewalks are not adequately salted or treated, any remaining moisture can freeze, creating slippery surfaces that are difficult to see and navigate.

Solution: Apply salt, sand, or de-icing agents to prevent ice formation on your cleared sidewalks. Be thorough in your application to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Mistake 4: Piling Snow on Sidewalks

It’s tempting to pile snow onto cleared sidewalks, especially when there’s limited space for snow storage. However, this creates a hazardous obstruction for pedestrians. In Salt Lake City, piling snow on sidewalks is a violation of city ordinances.

Solution: Find suitable areas for snow storage, such as the edges of your property or designated snow storage areas. Avoid piling snow where it can impede pedestrian traffic.

Mistake 5: Neglecting Sidewalk Accessibility

Sidewalks should be accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Failing to clear sidewalks appropriately can create barriers for those with mobility challenges, leading to potential discrimination issues.

Solution: Ensure that your snow removal efforts consider accessibility. Remove snow from curb ramps, cutouts, and pathways leading to crosswalks. Make sure that your property is welcoming to all members of the community.

Mistake 6: Overlooking Liability Risks

Sidewalks that are not properly maintained during winter can lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Property owners can be held liable for injuries that occur due to their negligence in snow removal.

Solution: Recognize the legal and financial risks associated with inadequate snow removal. Prioritize thorough snow clearing to protect yourself from potential liability.

Mistake 7: DIY Snow Removal Without Preparation

Clearing snow can be physically demanding, especially in Salt Lake City’s winter conditions. Attempting to clear heavy snow without proper preparation, equipment, or techniques can lead to physical strain and injury.

Solution: If you plan to clear your own sidewalks, make sure you are physically prepared for the task. Invest in quality snow removal equipment, dress warmly, and take breaks when necessary to avoid overexertion.

Mistake 8: Inconsistent Maintenance

Snow doesn’t always fall at convenient times. Business owners might find themselves facing a snowstorm during non-business hours. Neglecting to clear sidewalks when the snowfall occurs can lead to safety issues for employees and customers the following day.

Solution: Have a plan in place for consistent snow removal, regardless of when it snows. If necessary, consider contracting with a professional snow removal service that can provide 24/7 coverage.

Mistake 9: Disregarding Environmental Concerns

While it’s essential to clear sidewalks for safety, it’s also important to consider the environmental impact of snow removal practices. Excessive use of salt or other chemicals can harm local ecosystems and water quality.

Solution: Use environmentally-friendly de-icing materials and limit their use to necessary areas. Consider snow melting systems that can help reduce the need for chemical de-icers.

Mistake 10: Failing to Communicate

Lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and potential disputes with neighbors or tenants. Failing to inform others about your snow removal plans can create friction within the community.

Solution: Communicate your snow removal plans with neighbors, tenants, or adjacent property owners. Discuss shared responsibilities and create a sense of cooperation within the community.


Effective sidewalk snow removal is a shared responsibility that benefits the community as a whole. Property owners in Salt Lake City, Utah, must understand and fulfill their obligations to maintain safe and accessible sidewalks during the winter season. By avoiding these common snow removal mistakes and taking a proactive, responsible approach, you can eliminate liability, enhance community safety, and ensure a smooth winter season for all. Remember, the well-being of your community is in your hands, or, more accurately, in your snow shovel.

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